I have windows 7 is there any neat stuff I should know?
Also is there some kind of voice generator?
Three answers:
2011-05-09 12:45:20 UTC
There's definitely a lot in the way of features such as Aero, Peek, Shake and Presentation Mode. You can check out the source and see what you may/may not have (depends on your edition). Also, there is a native sound recorder, but I'm not sure what you mean by voice generator.
-- Ryan
Windows Outreach Team
2017-02-27 10:02:20 UTC
every time i alter my clothing I placed them interior the CLOSET (no longer the floor, or my mattress, or different furnishings, lol), I attempt to no longer amass junk on flat surfaces (actual of textile cabinet, bookshelf, table), and take 5-10 minutes a week to straighten up. Get one rubbish bag for rubbish and yet another for stuff to grant away to Salvation military or everywhere. bypass by each little thing! clothing, under your mattress, nooks and crannies, everywhere you would be hoarding junk. there is no top or incorrect place to start, in basic terms dive in. placed on some energizing song, close the door on your room, and tell your self you may no longer leave til that is wiped sparkling! stable success, i'm useful you will stay to tell the tale. :)