Go any internet speed test site - like speakeasy speed test (google that) and you will also see a place where they tell you what your IP address is that their web site is currently 'seeing' for you. Now, if you leave your computer on 24/7 and never turn it off day after day - the number will normally stay the same. However, once you turn your computer off and back on - your internet provider will assign a new IP address - it will be close to what the first one was you saw.
Once I know your IP address - I can find who your provider is pretty easy - and nail it down to a city or area. Most folks - that is about as close as they can get to tracking you.
However, if you are paying extra a static IP address (static means is never changes - people who host web pages or game servers from home (Mindcraft) will do this) and I learn what it is - and - I figure out you never seem to change IP addresses ..... now I can attempt to attack you.
How do you protect yourself? Easy. Turn your computer off when not using it. There are also some internet and telephone 'joke' and 'spoof' web sites for a few bucks that will either scramble your IP or when you make a phone call give the receiver's Caller ID a phone number and name. Just google 'joke caller id' for these sites.
If you are interested in learned all about this kind of stuff - it can be fun - go put up a web. Couple of $$ a month gets you web hosting - there must be something you are good at that you can put up a site? Even the basic gui from a web host - has tons of tools that will let do interesting things to email and your browsing.
Was it windows 8 that boasted having a private browser in it's new web browser? IDK. I can tell you this - nobody is going to grab your IP address and show up on your doorstep the next day unless that person is a technical law enforcement officer - or a gifted hacker. And a gifted hacker, they don't show up at your door - you get 6 million emails from Asia - lol. I made the mistake a pissing one off - 8,000 to 9,000 spam per hour for days and days. LOL. But since I had my own web site it was easy to derail them - if I didn't - I would have had to give up that email address for good........ which is what most folks do.