Can you send me a list of Instant Messaging/ Text Messaging Lingo?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can you send me a list of Instant Messaging/ Text Messaging Lingo?
Fourteen answers:
easter bunny!
2008-06-01 16:24:04 UTC
LOL- laugh out loud

OMG- oh my god

LMAO- laughing my *** off

CBA- can't be assed

ROFL- rolling on the floor laughing

LAWL - just like lol

OMFG- Oh my ******* god

WTH- what the hell

WTF - what the ****

TTYL - talk to you later

LYLAS- love you like a sister

TTFN- ta ta for now

BF- boyfriend

GF- girlfriend

BFF-best friends forever

BFFL-best friends for life
2008-06-01 16:23:39 UTC

:-0 hbtu 0-:happy birthday to you

@WRK At work

2bctnd to be continued.

2d4to die for

2g4uto good for you

2Ht2HndlToo hot to handle.

2l8too late

2WIMCTo whom it may concern


4yeo for your eyes only


AAM As a matter of fact.

AB Ah Bless!

ADctd2uv Addicted to Love

AFAIK As far as I know

AKA Also known as

ALlWanIsU All I want is You

AML All my love

ASAP As soon as possible

ATB All the best

ATW At the weekend

AWHFY Are we having fun yet


B4 Before

BBFN Bye Bye for now.

BBS Be back soon

BBSD Be back soon darling

BCNU Be seein' you

BF Boy Friend

BGWM Be gentle with me (please)

BRB Be right back

BTW By the way


Cld9? Cloud 9?

Cm Call me

Cu See you

CUIMD See you in my dreams

Cul See you later

CUL8R See you later


Dk Don't know

Dur? Do you remember


E2eg Ear to ear grin

EOD End of discussion

EOL End of lecture


F? Friends

F2F face to face

F2T Free to talk

FITB Fill in the Blank

FYEO For your eyes only.

FYA For your amusement

FYI For your information


GF Girlfirend.

GG Good Game

GMeSumLuvin Give me some lovin’!

Gr8 Great

GSOH Good Salary, Own Home

GTSY Glad to see you


h2cus Hope to see you soon

H8 Hate

HAGN Have a good night

HAND Have a nice day

HldMeCls Hold me close

Ht4U Hot for You

H&K Hugs and Kisses


IDK I dont know

IGotUBabe Ive got you Babe

IIRC If I recall correctly

IMHO In my humble opinion

IMI I mean it

ILU I love You

IMBLuv It must be Love

IOW In other words...

IOU I owe you

IUSS If you say so


J4F just for fun

JFK Just for kicks

JstCllMe Just call Me


KC keep cool

KHUF know how you feel

KIT Keep in touch

KOTC Kiss on the cheek

KOTL Kiss on the lips


L8 Late

L8r Later

Lol laughing out loud

LTNC Long time no see

LtsGt2gthr Lets get together


M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy!

M8 mate

MC merry Christmas

MGB May God Bless

Mob Mobile

MYOB Mind your own Business


NA No access

NC No comment

NE Any

NE1 Anyone

No1 No-One

NWO No way out


O4U only for you

OIC Oh, I see.

OTOH On the other hand


PCM Please call me

PPL People


QT Cutie


R Are

RMB Ring my Bell

ROTFL Roll on the floor laughing

RU? Are you?

RUOK? Are you Ok?


SC Stay cool

SETE Smiling Ear to Ear

SO Significant Other

SOL sooner or later

SME1 Some One

SRY Sorry

SWALK Sent with a loving Kiss

SWG Scientific Wild Guess


T+ Think positive

T2ul Talk to you later

TDTU Totally devoted to you

Thx Thanks

T2Go Time to Go

TIC Tounge in Cheek

TMIY Take me Im yours

TTFN Ta ta for now.


U You

UR Y ou are

URT1 Your are the one


VRI Very


W4u Waiting for you

WAN2 Want to

WLUMRyMe Will you marry Me?

WRT With respect to

WUWH Wish you were here


X! Typical Woman

X Kiss

XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours


Y! Typical Man

YBS You’ll be Sorry







Also smiling


Smiling without a nose

:' )

Happy and crying

:-( )

Smiling with mouth open


Smiling with glasses


Smiling with walkman


Smiling with bow tie


Smiling with hair


Smiling with cap


Smiling with top hat


Smiling with helmet


Smiling with a beard


Smiling with curls


Smiling with a fur hat






Twinkle, without nose




A rose




Sad, without nose












Very angry









O :-)

An angel




No face/poker face




Not very clever

:-( )



Having a cold

:-o zz




: @





Not saying a word










Talking with two tongues




Sunglasses on head


Glasses on head




Toupee blowing in the wind


Uncle Sam


Monk / Nun


Broken nose




Using a turban


Two noses






With a moustache


Lip stick


Smoking a pipe
2008-06-01 16:28:42 UTC
Sure here you go..these are useful for any site::..

Lol-Lots of laughs

lawl-not sure but its laughing

rofl-roll on floor laughing

lmao-laugh my *** off


theres more but thats the basic and a few random ones! hope they help!
Lisa J
2008-06-01 16:22:51 UTC
Here are some things:

!-( Black eye

!-) Proud of black eye

#-) Wiped out, partied all night

#:-o Shocked

$-) Won the lottery, or money on the brain

%(|:-) Propeller-head

%*} Inebriated

%+{ Got beat up

%-( Confused

%-) Dazed or silly

%-6 Brain-dead

%-\ Hung over

%-{ Ironic

%-| Worked all night

%-} Humorous or ironic

%\ Hangover

>>:-<< Furious

>- Female

>-> Winking devil

>-< Furious

>-) Devilish wink

>:) Little devil

>:-> Very mischievous devil

>:-< Angry

>:-< Mad

>:-( Annoyed

>:-) Mischievous devil

>=^ P Yuck

<:> Devilish expression

<:-> Devilish expression

<:-( Dunce

<:-) Innocently asking dumb question

<:-| Dunce

<:| Dunce

( 8(|) Homer

( <> .. <> ) alienated

(( )):** Hugs and kisses

((())) Lots of hugging (initials or a name can be put in the middle of the one being hugged)

() Hugging

(-: Left-handed smile, or smiley from the southern hemisphere

(:& Angry

(:- Unsmiley

(:-& Angry

(:-( Unsmiley

(:-) Smiley variation

(:-* Kiss

(:-\ Very sad

(::()::) Bandaid, meaning comfort

(:| Egghead

* Kiss

*<:-) Santa Claus

*<|:-) Santa Claus, or a clown

*-) Shot to death

+<:-) Religious leader

+<:-| Monk or nun

+<||-) Knight

+:-) Priest

+O:-) The Pope

-) Tongue in cheek

-= Snuffed candle to end a flame message

-=#:-) Wizard

/\/\/\ Laughter

0:-) Angel

12x@>--->--- A dozen roses

2B|^2B To be or not to be

5:-) Elvis

7:) Ronald Reagan

7:^) Ronald Reagan

8 Infinity

8 :-) Wizard

8) Wide-eyed, or wearing glasses

8-# Death

8-) Wide-eyed, or wearing glasses

8-o Shocked

8-O Astonished

8-P Yuck!

8-[ Frayed nerves; overwrought

8-] Wow!

8-| Wide-eyed surprise

: ( Sad

: ) Smile

: [ Bored, sad

: | Bored, sad

:( ) Loudmouth, talks all the time; or shouting

:* Kiss

:*) Clowning

:**: Returning kiss

:+( Got punched in the nose

:,( Crying

:- Male

:-# My lips are sealed; or someone wearing braces

:-& Tongue-tied

:-> Smile of happiness or sarcasm

:->< Puckered up to kiss

:-< Very sad

:-( Frown

:-) Classic smiley

:-* Kiss

:-, Smirk

:-/ Wry face

:-6 Exhausted

:-9 Licking lips

:-? Licking lips, or tongue in cheek

:-@ Screaming

:-C Astonished

:-c Very unhappy

:-D Laughing

:-d~ Heavy smoker

:-e Disappointed

:-f Sticking out tongue

:-I Pondering, or impartial

:-i Wry smile or half-smile

:-J Tongue in cheek

:-j One-sided smile

:-k Puzzlement

:-l One-sided smile

:-M Speak no evil

:-O Open-mouthed, surprised

:-o Surprised look, or yawn

:-P Sticking out tongue

:-p Sticking tongue out

:-p~ Heavy smoker

:-Q Tongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker

:-Q~ Smoking

:-r Sticking tongue out

:-s What?!

:-t Unsmiley

:-V Shouting

:-X My lips are sealed; or a kiss

:-x Kiss, or My lips are sealed

:-Y Aside comment

:-[ Unsmiling blockhead; also criticism

:-\'| Sniffles

:-] Smiling blockhead; also sarcasm

:-{) Smile with moustache

:-{)} Smile with moustache and beard

:-{} Blowing a kiss

:-| Indifferent, bored or disgusted

:-| :-| Deja vu

:-|| Very angry

:-} Mischievous smile

:-~) A cold

:-~| A cold

:.( Crying

:/) Not funny

:/i No smoking

:> What?

:@ What?

:C Astonished

:e Disappointed

:P Sticking out tongue

:X Hear no evil

:x Kiss

:\' Crying

:\'( Crying

:\'-( Crying

:\'-) Tears of happiness

:^D Happy, approving

:`-( Shedding a tear

:{ Having a hard time

:~) A cold

:~-( Crying

:~/ Confused

; ) Wink

; P Wink with a raspberry

;( Crying

;-( Angry, or got a black eye

;-) Winkey

;-D Winking and laughing

= O Surprised

= X My lips are sealed

=):-)= Abraham Lincoln

=:-) Punk, or hosehead

=====:} Snake

=^* Kisses

=^D Big grin

?( Black eye

?-( Black eye

@>--->--- A long-stemmed rose

@== Atomic bomb

@}->-- Rose

B:-) Sunglasses on head

d :-o Hats off to you!

IOHO In Our Humble Opinion

M-) See no evil

M-), :X, :-M See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

M:-) A salute

O 8-) Starry-eyed angel

O :-) Angel

O+ Female

O-> Male

O8-) Starry-eyed angel

O:-) Angel

P* French kiss

Q:-) College graduate

X-( Just died

[:-) Wearing a Walkman

[:-] Square head

[:-| Frankenstein

[:] Robot

[:| Frankenstein

[:|] Robot

[[ ]] Hug Insert a name in the brackets of the one who is being hugged, as: [[Marcia]]

[] Hug

\') Winky

\'-) Winky

\_/ Empty glass

\~/ Full glass

]:-> Devil

]:-) Happy devil

][ Back to back

^ ^ ^ Giggles

^5 High five

`:-) Raised eyebrow

{{ }} Hug; the one whose name is in the brackets is being hugged Example: {{MJ}}

{} No comment

|( Sleepy (on late night email message)

|-<> Puckered up for a kiss

|-( Sleepy, struggling to stay awake, or sleeping badly

|-D Big laugh

|-O Yawn

|-{ Good grief!

|-| Asleep

|I Asleep

|^o Snoring

}-) Wry smile

}: [ Angry, frustrated

}{ Face to face

~ :-( Steaming mad

~:-( Flame message

~:-\ Elvis

~:o Baby

~:\ Elvis

~= Lit candle, indicating a flame (inflammatory message)

~== Begins a flame (inflammatory message)

~~:-( Especially hot flame message

~~:[ Net flame

~~~~8} Snake

~~~~~8} Snake

And lingo:

ADN Any Day Now

AFK Away From the Keyboard

AFN that's All For Now

a/s/l Age/Sex/Location - (used to ask a chatter their personal information)

AV Avatar - Graphical representation of a person chatting.

BBL Be Back Later

BFN Bye For Now

BR Best Regards

BRB Be Right Back

BRH Be Right Here

BTW By The Way

CU See You

CUL8R See You Later

CUOL See You On Line

CYA See You - (as in "See you later)

DIS Did I Say

DL -or d/l Download... or downloading.

EG Evil Grin

EOT End Of Thread (meaning end of discussion)

F2F Face To Face

FAQ Frequently Asked Question

FISH First In Still Here (someone who is on line TOO much)

FOCL Falling Off Chair - Laughing

FUBAR "Fouled" Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition

FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

FWIW For What It's Worth

FYI For Your Information

GA Go Ahead

GAL Get A Life

gest Gesture - a combination text / audio / video file played in VP Chat rooms

GR Gotta Run

GTRM Going To Read Mail (leaving chat room to check email)

IAC In Any Case

I ANAL (or IANAL) I'm Am Not A Lawyer (expect an uninformed opinion)

IC I See

ILU or ILY I Love You

IMHO In My Humble Opinion (IMO = In My Opinion)

IOH I'm Out of Here

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

JIC Just In Case

K -or- kk O.K.

JK -or- j/k Just Kidding

L8R Later

LMAO -or- LMFAO Laughing My (F'ing) *** Off

LOL Laughing Out Loud

mug Person chatting in VP rooms using their browser (IE, Netscape)... instead of the download client program.

NFW No Feasible (or F***ing) Way

NP No Problem

NRN No Response Necessary

OIC Oh, I See

OJ or OK Only Joking or Only Kidding

OTOH On The Other Hand ...

OTMH Off the Top of My Head ...

OTW On The Way (used when someone is sending a file)

PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff (often referring to computer technology)

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Cards International Association

PCMCIA People Can't Master Computer Industry Acronyms (slang)

PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard

PITA Pain In The ***

POTS Plain Old Telephone Service

ROFL Rolling On Floor, Laughing

ROTF Rolling On The Floor - (refers to someone laughing very hard)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My *** Off

RSN Real Soon Now

RTFM Read The "Flippin" Manual

(response to beginner question on net, chat, newsgroups, etc.)

SEG **** Eating Grin

SNAFU Situation Normal, All "Fouled" Up

SOL **** Out Of Luck

SOTA State Of The Art (latest technology)

SY Sincerely Yours

SYL See You Later

TAFN That's All For Now

TFH Thread From Hell (a topic or discussion that won't stop - esp. newsgroups)

TGIF Thank Goodness It's Friday

THX Thanks!

TNT Til Next Time

TPTB The Powers That Be

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now

TTYL Talk To You Later

TY Thank You

VPPH Virtual Places Page Host. (Others now using software on their own servers to talk to VP clients in the same manner that Excite once did)

VN Very Nice

WC Welcome... as in "You are Welcome"

WEU What's Eating You?

WFM Works For Me

WT? What The ...? or Who the ...?

WTGP? Want To Go Private? (move to a private chat room)

YW You're Welcome
2016-07-18 23:31:32 UTC
Many of the problems you may be facing could be just the tip of the iceberg on what is really happening in your marriage. I dont mean to scare you but many problems when they either first show up or if they keep reoccurring could be just whats showing from a larger problem that either you or your spouse cannot even see. One of the only things you can do to help is to talk honestly and openly with each other in the marriage. If things become more serious more serious options need to be looked at as possibilities. I have a blog that has more information on some of what I've been writing about. If you feel like checking it out I would completly suggest it. Read here

Love is a choice that is made everyday when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep. Some days you may not feel the original feeling but love isnt a feeling or an emotion. Its an action a verb. Falling out of love may just mean you need to spice things up a little or that you were never in love in the first place. Don't just get out of a marriage just because you don't think you like the person anymore.
2016-03-13 10:57:19 UTC
My husband and I send milder ones like this morning was ...nice/hot/ whatever but I have sent him some pretty bad ones in the past too. I did send him one a few months ago where I told him I was in the mood to suck some C0CK and he got mad and said "you didnt say mine!?" I though 2 myself I sent it 2 u, idiot?! . Anyway he reminded me that other ppl can see the texts and since we are both business professionals i should keep it cleaner. I told him not to worry I will never send one like that again.
2008-06-01 16:24:59 UTC
lol_ laughing out loud

brb- Be right back

bbl- be back later

l8r- later

omg- oh my gosh

ily- i love you

wt- What the

idk- i don't know

idc- i don't care

ttyl- Talk to you later

tlk- talk!!!

Gf- Girlfriend

Bf- Boyfriend

ttfn- Tata for now

bffl- best friends for ever

tmi- to much info

fyi- for your info

There thoose are your basic and weird lingos
2008-06-01 16:22:03 UTC
Check out this place this is the best place for you has a liust of everything

Hope this helps
Jenny B
2008-06-01 16:26:16 UTC

this has like EVERYTHING!
2008-06-01 16:24:05 UTC
here is a link that will translate whatever you want from regular text to txt lingo

in fact, this is what this text looks like when its translated:

hEr iz a Lnk dat wiL transl8 wutevA U wnt frm reg. txt 2 txt lingo
2008-06-01 16:23:24 UTC
AAK Alive And Kicking

AAR At Any Rate

AAS Alive And Smiling

ADN Any Day Now

AFAIK As Far As I Know

AFK Away From the Keyboard

AFN that's All For Now

AOTA All Of The Above

a/s/l or asl Age/Sex/Location - (used to ask a chatter their personal information)

AV Avatar - Graphical representation (a picture) often used in chat rooms to depict a person that is in the room and chatting.

b4 Before

BAK Back At Keyboard (I'm back)

BBL Be Back Later

BBS Be Back Soon

BCNU I'll Be Seeing You.

b/f Boyfriend (also shown as bf, B/F, or BF)

BEG Big Evil Grin

BFN Bye For Now

BMA Bite My A** (became popular with the Simpson's cartoon show)

boot To get kicked out of a chat room, or have to restart the computer because you couldn't talk in the chat room anymore.

BR Best Regards

BRB Be Right Back

BRH Be Right Here

BSEG Big S**t Eatin Grin

BTA But Then Again....

BTW By The Way

btw BeTWeen you and me ...

chat room A web page where people gather using software that allows them to talk to one another in real time.

CRS Can't Remember S**t

CU See You - also posted as cya

CUS Can't Understand S**t (stuff)

CNP Continued in Next Post (seen more on message boards than chat)

CP Chat Post

CUL8R See You Later

CUOL See You On Line

CYA See Ya

dd, ds, dh Darling or Dear: Dear Son, Dear Daughter, or Dear Husband. Usually exchanged in family chats.

DDSOS Different Day, Same Old S**t

DEGT Don't Even Go There (I don't want to talk about it)

DIKU Do I Know You?

DIS Did I Say

D/L, DL, d/l, dl Downloading, or Download it.

EG Evil Grin

EM E-Mail

EMA E-mail Address (example: ?ema or ema? = what is your email address)

EOT End Of Thread (meaning end of discussion)

ez or EZ easy (one of the really old ones)

F2F Face To Face

FAQ Frequently Asked Question

FISH First In Still Here (someone who is on line TOO much)

FITB Fill In The Blanks

flame to insult someone. Used when a person asks a stupid question, or says something rude to irritate the users of a chat room or message board.

FOCL Falling Off Chair - Laughing

forum What todays message boards are called. Often using php as defining language to quickly write 'real time' messages and replies to a web site (or page)

FTS F*** This S***

fu f*** you (If you can't figure this one out, you shouldn't be on line)

FUBAR "Fouled" Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition

FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

FWIW For What It's Worth

FYI For Your Information

GA Go Ahead

GAL Get A Life

gest Gesture ... a small multimedia file played over the internet, usually expressing an emotion or comment.

g/f Girlfriend (also shown as gf, G/F, or GF)

GFN Gone For Now

GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here

GMTA Great Minds Think Alike

GR Gotta Run

GR&D Grinning, Running, and Ducking.

GTR Got To Run

GTRM Going To Read Mail (leaving chat room to check email)

H&K Hugs and Kisses

hack person who breaks into software, or disrupts a chat room.

HAGD Have A Good Day

HAGO Have A Good One

Halsoft Name of a company that purchased the brand of Chat that Excite offered, now a pay as you go service.

HB Hurry Back

Hosts Refers to the people that are running the chat room, they usually have the ability to kick a person off due to rude behavior.

HTH Hope That Helps

huggles Hugs

IAC In Any Case

IB I'm Back

IC I See

IDN I Don't kNow

IDK I Don't Know

IDTS I Don't Think So

IANAL I'm Am Not A Lawyer (expect an uninformed opinion)

IC I See

ICQ I Seek You. A computer program used to communicate instantly over the Internet.

ILU or ILY I Love You

IM Instant Message

IMHO In My Humble Opinion (or In My Honest Opinion)

IMO In My Opinion

IOH I'm Out of Here

IOW In Other Words

IRL In Real Life

IYO In Your Opinion

JAS Just A Second

JIC Just In Case

JK Just Kidding

JMO Just My Opinion

JW Just Wondering

k, K, or kk O. K.

KIT Keep In Touch

L8R Later (an early one, kind of outdated with current 'young geeks')

LMAO Laughing My *** Off

LFFAO Laughing My F***(freaking) *** Off

LOL Laughing Out Loud

LTNS Long Time No See

LTS Laughing To ones Self

LY I Love Ya.

LYL Love You Lots

Message Board. A web page where people write comments, and those comments are than added to that web-page for others to view. Used to carry on conversation, request information, and relay messages.

MUG Refers to a new user of that chat program, goes back to Excite VP days when the AV (or icon) that represented someone new was a picture of a coffee mug.

NE1 Anyone

newbie refers to a person who is new to an area or technology. Also seen as nube, nooby, nubie, nb, etc.

NFW No Feasible (or F***ing) Way

NIMBY Not In My Back Yard

nm, or NM Never Mind

NP, np No Problem

NRN 1. No Response Necessary

2. Not Right Now

NT No Thanks

OBTW Oh, By The Way.

OIC Oh, I See

OF Old Fart, someone who has been around for a while.

OJ or OK Only Joking or Only Kidding

OL the Old Lady

OM the Old Man

OMG Oh My Gosh (although it's usually used with the Lords name in place of "gosh")

OT Off Topic

oth or OTH Off The Hook: Something is really popular, or hot. Very exciting.

otr or OTR Off The Rack: Saying that something is outside the ordinary.

OTE Over The Edge (beyond common sense or beyond good taste)

OTOH On The Other Hand ...

OTOMH Off the Top of My Head ...

OTW On The Way ... I've sent a file to you, it's "On the way"

P911 My parents are in the room. P=Parents, and 911=emergency, in other words either drop the subject, or watch the language.

PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff (often referring to computer technology)

PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Cards International Association

PCMCIA People Can't Master Computer Industry Acronyms (slang)

PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard

peeps People. example: "There sure are a lot of peeps in this room" - meaning a lot of people are in the chat room.

peep this Hey, listen to this, I've got some interesting news.

PITA Pain In The ***

PLZ Please

PMJI Pardon Me for Jumping In (when you enter into a new conversation)

poof when someone leaves a chat room, often seen as *poof* as in boy he *poofed* in a hurry.

POTS Plain Old Telephone Service

POS Parents are looking Over my Shoulder.

POTS Parents Over The Shoulder - (My parents are watching, I can't really talk)

PPL People

QT Cutie

RFC Request For Comments (used more in newsgroups, a page or pages that supply technical information)

rl or RL Real Life (as opposed to being online)

r m or RM Ready Made: pre-existing

ROFL Rolling On Floor, Laughing

ROTF Rolling On The Floor (laughing is implied)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My *** Off

ROTFLMFAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing F(***ing) My *** Off

RSN Real Soon Now

r/t Real Time (also: RT, or rt)

RTFM Read The "Flippin" Manual (response to beginner question on net, chat, newsgroups, etc.)

RU aRe yoU?

SEG **** Eating Grin

SH Same Here

SMS Short Message Service (more cell phones and pagers than chat rooms and the Internet)

SN Screen Name. The name or moniker selected by person in an IM or chat program. ex: My "SN" in vp was "-lone.wolf"

SNAFU Situation Normal, All "Fouled" Up

SO Significant Other

SOL **** Out Of Luck

SOS Same Old S**t (stuff)

SOTA State Of The Art (latest technology)

SPST Same Place, Same Time

SSDD Same S**t, Different Day

STR8 Straight (can refer to sex, or DSTR8 as in Damn Straight)

STW Search The Web

SY Sincerely Yours

SYL See You Later

TAFN That's All For Now

TC Take Care

TFH Thread From Hell (a topic or discussion that won't stop - esp. newsgroups)

TGIF Thank Goodness It's Friday

THX Thanks!

TIA Thanks In Advance

TM Text Message (often refers to communications with text over cell phones)

TMI Too Much Info. (information)

TNT 'Til Next Time

TPS That's Pretty Stupid

TPTB The Powers That Be (can sometimes refer to the people that are running the chat room or server)

TRDMF Tears Running Down My Face: Can be with either laughter, or due to saddness.

TS Tough S**t

TSFY Tough S**t For You

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now

TTTT These Things Take Time

TTYL Talk To You Later

TY Thank You

TYT Take Your Time

TYVM Thank You Very Much

VPPH Virtual Places Page Host

US You Suck

usa or USA Until Sides Ache: Usually used with one of the laughter acronyms such as "lolusa" Laughing Out Loud Until my Sides Ache. I've also heard that some folks substitute ush for "Until Sides Hurt". rotflolush = rolling on the floor, laughing out loud, until my sides hurt.

UV Unpleasant Visual

UW yoU're Welcome

UY Up Yours

vp or VP Virtual Places: A brand of chat offered by Excite in the late 90s and early 2000.

WB Welcome Back (you say this when someone returns to a chat room)

WC WelCome

WEG Wicked Evil Grin

WEU What's Eating You?

WFM Works For Me

WIIFM What's In It For Me?

WTG Way To Go

WTF What The F**K

WT? What The ...? or Who the ...?

WTGP? Want To Go Private? (move to a private chat room)

WWJD What Would Jesus Do?

YAA Yet Another Acronym

YBS You'll Be Sorry

YL Young Lady

YM Young Man

YMMV Your Mileage May Vary

YR Yea, Right. (sarcastic)

*ys* You Stinker

YVW You're Very Welcome

YW You're Welcome
2008-06-01 16:21:29 UTC
just chill on some IRC's and learn them yourself.

The best way to learn a language is immersion, memorizing a list doesn't give you the proper usage in your mind.
Mom of two!
2008-06-01 16:22:15 UTC
LOL-Laugh out loud

LMAO-Laugh my a$$ off

ROFLMAO-Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off

IDK-I don't know

OMG-Oh my gosh

BTW-By the way
2008-06-01 16:21:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.