This problem started while using Craigslist. I reply to an add and click the Hotmail option as I always use to. Before, my MSN webpage email opened with the Craigslist email that I'm replying to already setup and ready for me to send my reply. Now, Outlook opens up and the Craigslist email is not ready. So, I've been copy/pasting the email from Craigslist into Outlook. It says it Sent but after a few hours or sometimes days, I get a message in my Inbox saying "Delivery Status Notification (Failure) or (Delay)". When I open the email, an additional attachment is included that is in .eml format. This document is marked as "blocked". I need to figure this out ASAP. If possible, I just want to go back to the original way of using my Hotmail and Craigslist. I hate this Outlook program. Please, help.
Side Note: I add two resume attachments in these emails. I'm not sure if that is relevant or not. In the return Failure email, my two original attachments are still included along with the new and blocked .eml attachment.